
I have come to realize, I do not really like changes. I prefer status quo, and I adore routines. But, changes will always come, disruptions will always happen, Change is constant. We never stay in the same place forever, we do not stay in the same position forever. We are always craving for progression, advancement, better prospect, better welfare, and that is also a change in our lives.

Fertility Support SG had a fertility fair last Saturday and I am glad to be a part of it, and it also gave me a new things to understand and to see. We all may have started with the same goal in mind, but of course, as times goes, the goal may be clearer and larger, and some may have progressed on to other focus in their lives, so volunteers need to be re-groomed, re-trained and re-integrated. And throughout these few years, many have moved on in their fertility journey while there are also new starters, so our target audience may also have changes along the way.

I feel, as we find a constancy in the things we do, we are always reminded, changes are part and parcel of this journey and our ability to adapt to changes as and when it is required is a beautiful value and essential skillset.